Friday, March 21, 2008

quito, here we come. five days. this time is just for a look-see. a dress rehersal. a meet and greet. the emotions in the eshleman household are mixed. anticipation. fear. excitement. insecurity. we know the experience in quito will be wonderful. that's not in question. the fear, i think, stems from the unknown. will we LOVE it? will they LOVE us? will this be our home in july? are we ready? the unknown. fear. so, tonight, i remind myself that the fear i feel should not be there if i am trusting jesus in all of this. so i breathe. and continue to rest.

i'm on easter break now. that's a wonderful thing. truly.

jon is snoring, sick, and just worn-out. i pray that he is refreshed and renewed before our 2am flight on tues. night/wed. morning.

peace be with you all. we love you.

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