Saturday, September 13, 2008

We're Still Here!!

What? You didn’t get our last few blogs? They must have somehow been erased. Or perhaps they were never written. Woops...

One thing we have noticed after having been here for over 2 months is that some things that were originally shocking, no long have the same shock value. For instance, for many of you it may be strange to see an 8 year-old walking around town at 10:30 pm selling cigarettes (By the way, you can buy one at a time if you don’t want an entire pack). You might also find it strange to find people selling otter-pops on the bus. Or, you may be frightened to be involved in a bus race! Let me explain. There are probably over a thousand buses here in Quito, all competing for clientele. Thus, it is not uncommon to be traveling down the same road as another bus and end up in a race to get to the next group of people waiting. Bus fare is $0.25, Diesel is $1.03 per’s not like these guys are getting rich, yet this is their livelihood.  Sometimes while you in the midst of a race, it feels rather unsafe. Taking corners at 30 miles per just doesn't feel that secure. All of this to say, things like this have become commonplace for us, and so we sometimes wonder, what would we say this week in the blog? Well, fear not, we found some great material to write about.

So much has happened in the last month here at Casa Victoria and in our own lives. First of all, we have some changes in the house in terms of who lives here at Casa Victoria. Let me break it down for you: Jon & Anna Eshleman, Esteban Jaramillo, Javier Cuchipe, Seth Ludwick, Charlie Beck, and Ricardo Navaraez. As some of you may know, Rigo and Rocio and Rocio’s family have moved out of Casa Victoria and relocated to the northern end of Quito. Rigo is still working here at Casa Victoria finishing up some things and doing maintenance on the house. Anna and I were sad to see Rigo and Rocio and her family leave, but we are thrilled to continue to have a full house with Seth, Charlie, and Ricardo here. So it's just the seven of us here at the house now. If you are female and you are reading this, I am fairly certain that Anna would love for you to come visit. So check tickets to Quito, Ecuador and get down here pronto. (Anna says: Living with 6 guys is hard! I love them all and love to serve them. They make me laugh constantly. But, girl time is ALWAYS desired.)

With the arrival of Charlie and Seth from Santa Barbara and Ricardo from Ecuador, the house has kicked into gear with a new program. With the departure of Rocio, Anna has been very busy with the cooking, shopping, laundry, mom’s club, kids club, and the library. I have been busy implementing the new schedule and spending some quality time with the guys in the house. Everyday consists of at least 2 meals together, a time for prayer and reading, cleaning, cooking, and then alternating days for sports, reconciliation, house maintenance, and neighborhood walks. I have had the privilege of meeting with each of the guys for coffee during the week as well.

We have also had a number of visitors come through the house over the last month. First, we had our new friends Jesse and Cassidy Scherba from Chico come to stay with us. They are a young couple that we were connected with through a mutual friend, Amber Rader. They came to Ecuador for two months to travel and study Spanish (and spend some days of rest at Casa V). They left just a few days ago to head back to the Chico. Next we had Whitney Trump from San Francisco come spend a week with us. Whitney came to us by way of Joel Tarman. Anna really enjoyed having another girl in the house to keep her company. Whitney is studying for her Ph.D. in American Literature at Stanford. (Yeah, we were pretty impressed as well.)  She came to study Spanish and fell in love with Casa Victoria as a result of her time here. She is currently enjoying some time with her father in Buenos Aires. And finally, we hosted three adventurous girls, Jordan, Lalia, and Laura. These three brave girls are on a South American adventure in search of seeing the Gospel lived out. We were connected with them through Charlie’s parents, and they brought great enthusiasm to Casa Victoria. (Plus, Laura's french toast was a major treat!)  Anna and I have been thoroughly blessed by all the visitors that have passed through the house, and our hope is that they have tangibly felt the love of Jesus as a result of their time here.

In other great news, as many of you know, the Eshleman family was having difficulty figuring out how they were going to be together for Christmas. Well, as a result of the email we sent out, in less than 10 minutes the Lord answered our prayers and the funds were provided for us all to be together to celebrate here in Quito! We cannot fully explain how grateful we are to the families that are making this possible for us. It is such a privilege to have so many wonderful friends who take such great care of us.

I must also mention that this last Saturday we had a number of delegates at the house from a corporation called “Ecuador Mi Pais.” This foundation raises money to give to poorer families (especially single moms) who are seeking to provide a good education for their children, but do not have the financial means to do so. We invited all the families and children of those that are receiving scholarships in order that they might express their gratitude. It was a very memorable occasion. 'Ecuador Mi Pais' was very impressed with how we're implementing their program, and we're praying that they will become more involved in this part of the Quito.

So much is happening here at Casa Victoria. So much is happening in our own lives. Anna is battling a terrible stomach infection (yucky parasites!). I am learning to care for her through all of this. We are both learning how to love and live as Jesus would love and live if he had our lives to live. We are so grateful to each one of you and all the prayers and support that you provide for us. We know that this would not be possible without all of you!

Blessing to all of you!
"los Eshlitos"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I loved hearing this update...your hearts and truly words can't express how incredibly thankful we are to be able to come and BE WITH you all in just a few short months. We love you both so much! Love, Jen